Bilgi How does blockchain ad work in simple words?


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8 Nis 2024
Blockchain ads leverage the principles of blockchain ad technology to create a more transparent, secure, and efficient advertising ecosystem. Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works:

Decentralized Ad Networks
In traditional advertising, intermediaries like ad exchanges and networks facilitate transactions between advertisers and publishers, often leading to increased costs and reduced transparency. Blockchain ads operate on decentralized networks, allowing advertisers and publishers to interact directly. This reduces the reliance on middlemen, cuts costs, and speeds up transactions.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are automated agreements coded onto the blockchain advertising. They execute transactions only when specific conditions are met. In advertising, a smart contract might stipulate that a publisher gets paid only when an ad receives a certain number of genuine clicks or views. This automation ensures fair transactions and timely payments.
Transparency and Verification
Every ad impression, click, and transaction is recorded on the blockchain, which is a transparent and immutable ledger. Creative blockchain advertisements were shown to real users, not bots, and that the data reported is accurate. This reduces fraud and builds trust between all parties involved.
Data Privacy and User Control
Blockchain gives users control over their data. Instead of third-party companies collecting and selling user data without consent, online blockchain ad allows users to share their information selectively. They can even be rewarded with tokens for viewing ads or sharing their data, ensuring their privacy is respected.
Tokens are digital assets used within the blockchain ad ecosystem. Advertisers buy tokens to purchase ad space, and publishers earn tokens for displaying ads. Users can also earn tokens by engaging with ads. These tokens can be traded, adding a layer of liquidity and incentive within the system.
In summary, blockchain ads work by providing a decentralized, transparent, and secure platform for advertising transactions, reducing fraud, ensuring fair payments, and giving users control over their data.